Suites at The Atrium Office Suites 1515 N. Warson Rd, St. Louis Mo 63132 - 314-570-8568
 The Atrium Office Suites
Suites at The Atrium Office Suites 1515 N. Warson Rd, St. Louis Mo 63132 - 314-570-8568
Rent Payments - Use Cash App or PayPal
Preferred payment  method is a money order or check.
1515 N Warson
Saint Louis, MO 63132
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Suites at The Atrium Office Suites 1515 N. Warson Rd, St. Louis Mo 63132 - 314-570-8568
Suite Number
When you use PayPal:

You must add 4% to the monthly rent amount to cover the paypal charges.
Take your monthly rent amount and multiple by 1.04.

Example: The PayPal amount for a $200 rent payment is  $200 x 1.04 = $208
1515 N. Warson Rd
St. Louis, MO 63132
(314) 570-8568
Suites at The Atrium Office Suites 1515 N. Warson Rd, St. Louis Mo 63132 - 314-570-8568
When you use cash app:

You must add 3% to the monthly rent amount to cover the cash app charges.
Take your monthly rent amount and multiple by 1.03.

Example: The cash app amount for a $200 rent payment is  $200 x 1.03 = $206

To use Cash App send payment to $atrium1515